



And now it is time for Odesa: "The city of sense of humour"

Odesa Train Station

When I started my journey...how come I could know that I was going to have one of the most interesting journeys I have ever done in my life :) but as we know from Forrest Gump movie "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." 

When I got on the train I got shocked in a minute later cause it was almost the same train which I used when I was in Georgia between Batumi-Tbilisi...When I was in Georgia, I was with my friend but now...I was alone...and had to pass at least 6 hours :) anyway I just sat on my seat and started to watch outside...a great song С.К.А.Й. - Тебе це Може Вбити was playing in my mp3 player...then suddenly 2 ladies appeared in front of me and after a certain time I realized that I had to seat on another place actually not to seat...to lie down on my place...I tried so much not to pass there in Russian but unfortunately with only verbs how come I could be successful :) after half an hour I gave up and started to go on my unforgettable journey...

I tried to sleep but unfortunately I was too tall then this bed cause my height is 1.84 cm but probably this bed (normally seat) was just 1.75 cm or something...when I realized that I didn't have any chance to sleep...I started to think about what I was going to do in Odesa...

Actually the train was supposed to be in Odesa train station around 6 am in the morning...but unfortunately something happened and there was an accident on the railway...and we reached to Odesa train station almost 8 am in the morning...

I actually didn't worry about my late arrival...I worried about my valuable friend Iryna in Odesa cause she had been waiting for me since 6 am in the morning and almost passed 2 hours...

But finally we met...and when I learned the real reason behind of this delay...it was tragicomic cause a gliding plane crashed on the railway...and almost all trains had delays in Ukraine...it was my luck...but fortunately there wasn't a big disaster except the pilot...this is life unfortunately...

Anyway...my first day first of all I made excursion by my own then she joined and was with me in the other days...

During in my first excursion by my own I started from the city center near to Sobor Cathedral...

The entrance of Sobor Cathedral

After Sobor Cathedral I passed through the passage...This passage was built in 1899 by Polish architect Lev Vlodek..Now the passage is one of the largest auction centers in Odessa...When I first saw this passage I suddenly remembered  Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milano. Cause almost the same architecture with Odesa Passage...

The Odesa Passage

The entrance of passage

After Odessa passage I came across with Deribasovskaya Street. Deribasovskaya Street a very nice avenue named after José de Ribas Spanish-born founder of Odessa...

Entrance of the Deribasovskaya Street there is a nice park...I liked this park so much cause it is also very special park for Odessa's history as I learned from my dear friends Iryna and Vita...

I will continue on with this very special park and other places of awesome Odesa...


                                             ~TO BE CONTINUED~

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