

I was continuing on mentioning about Khmelnitsky;

The days in this city were passing so fast cause I had great company at there...I was lucky that I knew these 2 valuable people...

During in my staying, I attended to one of birthday celebrations of my friend's friend...with this party I had a chance to understand how Ukrainian people pay attention to birthday celebrations and these kind of gatherings...even if I didn't know (still I don't know actually :) ) Ukrainian or Russian, I didn't stay so far away to the conversations of the table...for sure I owe this to one of these valuable people whom I mentioned about her several times before also...

When I was at there I also had a chance to get wet cause of rainy weather several times...in the middle of june I got wet several times...for sure my friends warned me before that especially this region is always so rainy during in this time of summer but how come I could have a chance to know that Khmelnitsky was going to seem like London or the other United Kingdom cities like always rainy...one time while I was coming from the city center to the home, I found myself as holding the umbrella against to the wind...I suddenly remembered that musical..."Singin' in the Rain"

I also had a chance to attend to wine tastin' in Khmelnitsky...again one of my friend's friend invited us and we attended...

My Scores; Opinions about wines

When an old man was spitting on vodka

When I was at there I also witnessed that Ukrainian also know how to get or produce good wines...I witnessed this while I was listening the presentation about wine-producing...of course don't pay attention so much when I claimed "while I was listening"...again my valuable friend translated the presentation to me also...she (actually they) was like my tongue and ears...
And Khmelnitsky parts ~the city where my adorable friends live in~  have been finished...

One day maybe next summer I can go there suddenly...


As they liked my that question so much...

                                                :::WHAT CAN I DO ?:::

                                                ~TO BE CONTINUED~

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